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Does Aspartame Cause Parkinson’s

Aspartame Vs Sucralose Are Both Bad

What causes Parkinson’s?

Besides aspartame, there are two ubiquitous artificial sweeteners: acesulfame-K and sucralose.

They both provide no carbohydrates, proteins, or calories.

Sucralose is a significant compound in Splenda, a sweetener sold in the form of sugar-like pink packets. Youll also find sucralose among ingredients by its E-number, 955, on food labels.

A study published in the journal Diabetes Care compared drinking water with and without sucralose.

The oral intake of the sweetened beverage increased the test subjects insulin levels by up to 50 percent .

Thus, this synthetic sweetener also has a significant effect on insulin production. But what makes sucralose just as harmful as aspartame is its impact on gut health.

According to research, a single packet of the sucralose-based sweetener Splenda is enough to wipe out 50 percent of the healthy gut microbiome .

With this in mind, it is even more perplexing that even the supposedly natural sweetener stevia can negatively impact your gut health .

Flaws In Efsa Assessment

In a July 2019 paper in the Archives of Public Health, researchers at the University of Sussex provided a detailed analysis of the EFSAs 2013 safety assessment of aspartame and found that the panel discounted as unreliable every one of 73 studies that indicated harm, and used far more lax criteria to accept as reliable 84% of studies that found no evidence of harm. Given the shortcomings of EFSAs risk assessment of aspartame, and the shortcomings of all previous official toxicological risk assessments of aspartame, it would be premature to conclude that it is acceptably safe, the study concluded.

See EFSAs response and a follow up by researchers Erik Paul Millstone and Elizabeth Dawson in the Archives of Public Health, Why did EFSA to reduce its ADI for aspartame or recommend its use should no longer be permitted? News coverage:

  • Worlds most popular artificial sweetener must be banned, say experts. Two food safety experts have called for the widely used artificial sweetener, aspartame, to be banned in the UK and questions why it was deemed acceptable in the first place,New Food Magazine  
  • Sales of aspartame should be suspended: EFSA accused of bias in safety assessment, by Katy Askew, Food Navigator

Aspartame Can Be Bad For You

If you summarize scientific findings or even simple statistics, you have to conclude that aspartame cant help you lose weight.

Likewise, serious concerns arise towards the standard sweetener in metabolism, heart health, kidney disease, mental health, or even neurodegenerative diseases.

Yes, aspartame has been used worldwide for over 30 years. However, the extent of the diseases as mentioned above has significantly increased over this period.

The side effects of aspartame and diet soda have probably played their part in this development.

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Pregnancy Abnormalities: Pre Term Birth

According to a 2010 cohort study of 59,334 Danish pregnant women published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, There was an association between intake of artificially sweetened carbonated and noncarbonated soft drinks and an increased risk of preterm delivery. The study concluded, Daily intake of artificially sweetened soft drinks may increase the risk of preterm delivery.35

  • See also: Downing Diet Soda Tied to Premature Birth, by Anne Harding, Reuters

History Of Saccharine And Aspartame:

Diet Soda Diabetes Cause

In 1878, saccharin was discovered at Johns Hopkins University by a chemist named Constantin Fahlberg. Saccharine was widely used in WW1 during sugar shortage and it became really popular worldwide. In Canada, the equal of saccharine is called “cyclamate” and it was discovered by a graduate student at Illinois University. Keep in mind that cyclamate is 30 to 50 times sweeter than sugar. Although saccharine is banned in Canada, cyclamate is used in 50 different countries including Canada.

In 1981, the use of aspartame was approved in dry foods and in 1983 aspartame was approved for public consumption in carbonated beverages across US.

Early FDA documents show that FDA had prior knowledge about the toxicity of aspartame. In fact, FDA documents sugget that heat exposure will make aspartame to break down into dangerous carcinogens and aspartame shouldnt be used during baking. The original producer of aspartame, “Searle” had even mentioned that aspartame cannot be used in food products. But the artificial sweeteners like NutraSweet, Equal or Creatine tin are used in our food products every signle day.

Unfortunately in 1993, FDA approved using aspartame inside food products. Keep in mind that in 1989 saccharine was added to the list of carcinogens, but in 2001 the Environmental Health Hazard Assessment Office delisted saccharine from the list of chemicals known to cause cancer.

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Serotonin Involvement In Early Brain Development Emotional Status And Learning

Tryptophan, independently utilized for synthesis of serotonin in the brain, is transported across the BBB via NAAT. Therefore, if NAAT is saturated with phenylalanine, tryptophan will not be adequately carried over the BBB and serotonin production can ultimately be compromised. In addition to its role in regulating maturation of terminal areas, serotonin can set its own terminal densitya phenomenon termed autoregulation of development.

Serotonin , like other monoamine neurotransmitters, has been shown to play a role in regulating brain development before the time it assumes its role as a neurotransmitter in the mature brain . This neurotransmitter is concentrated in the raphe nucleus of the brain, and is also present in platelets. Serotonin and serotonergic neurons are localized in the midbrain, the pineal gland, the substantia nigra, the hypothalamus and the raphe nuclei of the brain stem . The 5-HT neurons have widespread projections, making it possible to coordinate complex sensory and motor behavioural conditions. Serotonin is also involved in inducing sleep, sensory perception, temperature regulation and control of mood; therefore, serotoninergic activity was found to be highest during waking and arousal and absent during active or rapid eye-movement sleep .

The Link Between Artificial Sweeteners And Neurotransmitter Function

by admin | May 22, 2018 | ADHD, Amino Acid Therapy, Anger depression, Insomnia, Migraines, Neurotransmitter Function, Parkinson’s, Sleep/Insomnia, Trichotillomania |

Aspartame is a widely used artificial sweetener. Since its discovery in 1965, it has been used in thousands of food products as a non-caloric sweetener. Aspartame is about 200 times sweeter than sucrose . However, aspartame is not the only artificial sweetener found in foods; others include saccharin, neotame, acesulfame potassium, and sucralose. More than 6000 new products that contain artificial sweeteners were launched in the United States between 1999 and 2004, including soft drinks, baby food, Pedialyte, frozen foods, chewing gum and many foods aimed at weight loss and blood sugar management .

This post comes to us from our friends at Amino Acid Therapy:

All artificial sweeteners can have a detrimental effect on neurotransmitter function. This is likely to be at least partially responsible for the increased apatite that accompanies the consumption of artificial sweeteners. It can also disrupt neurotransmitter function and cause or exacerbate any number of symptoms of neurotransmitter imbalance.

The reason for this disruption has to do with how these artificial sweeteners are metabolized in the body. Take aspartame for instance. Aspartame consists of two amino acids, phenylalanine and aspartate, linked to a methanol backbone.


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Can You Consume Diet Soda While Pregnant

With many women wondering if aspartame is allowed in pregnancy due to potential dangers, lets make an initial summary at this point.

Since the possible health problems that aspartame can bring can already be problematic for any healthy person, it is probably not a good idea to affect a second and fragile life.

Are Other Artificial Sweeteners Safer

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Artificial sweeteners are generally considered safe. There are also a number of other sugar substitutes on the market that arent technically considered artificial sweeteners, such as stevia products.

Manufacturers of many of these sugar substitutes call them natural to imply they are somehow safer or better for you, even though theyre still refined or processed.

Theres no evidence that proves some artificial sweeteners are safer than others, unless you have a medical condition that requires that you avoid certain ingredients, such as PKU.

Sugar alcohols, which are carbohydrates found in plant products and processed for use as a sugar substitute, can have a laxative effect when you have too much of them. Excessive consumption can also cause gas and bloating.

Some examples of sugar alcohols include:

  • sorbitol

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Critique Of The Soffritti Study

Despite the impressive scale, the Soffritti studies received widespread critique. Perhaps unsurprisingly, that critique included reviews funded by aspartame manufacturers and affiliated agencies.

But the loudest critics seemed to come from the European Food Safety Authority .

In 2011 evaluation on the 2010 Soffritti study, the EFSA concluded that there was a lack of relevance for human risk assessment of the type of tumors observed in Swiss mice and that on the basis of the information available in the publication, the validity of the study…cannot be assessed.

In a following 2013 report, described as the most comprehensive risk assessments of aspartame ever undertaken the EFSA reaffirmed their position on aspartame.

So, why did this governmental regulation agency disregard the Soffritti studies? 

Stroke Dementia And Alzheimers Disease

People drinking diet soda daily were almost three times as likely to develop stroke and dementia as those who consumed it weekly or less. This included a higher risk of ischemic stroke, where blood vessels in the brain become obstructed, and Alzheimers disease dementia, the most common form of dementia, reported a 2017 study in Stroke.10

In the body, the methyl ester in aspartame metabolizes into methanol and then it may be converted to formaldehyde, which has been linked to Alzheimers disease. A two-part study published in 2014 in the Journal of Alzheimers Disease linked chronic methanol exposure to memory loss and Alzheimers Disease symptoms in mice and monkeys.

  • ethanol-fed mice presented with partial AD-like symptoms These findings add to a growing body of evidence that links formaldehyde to pathology. 11
  • ethanol feeding caused long-lasting and persistent pathological changes that were related to these findings support a growing body of evidence that links methanol and its metabolite formaldehyde to pathology. 12

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Why Is Aspartame Legal

If the studies indicate that aspartame is a major public health concern, why does it remain on store shelves? One word: money. In 1980, when Donald Rumsfeld was hired to help transition President Regan into office, he made his old friend Dr. Arthur Hayes head of the FDA. Rumsfeld and Hayes had close links to the president of Pepsico, and Hayes soon approved aspartame for use in foods and sodas. To top it off, Rumsfeld got a $12 million dollar bonus for his role in the scheme. I like to believe that Rumsfeld didnt realize the massively negative impact that aspartame would inflict on society, as most folks at the time believed it to be safe.  But today we know that it is in no way safe, and is in fact driving neurodegenerative diseases.

Can Aspartame Worsen Diabetes

Sugarfree Michael J. Fox Sips Liquid Parkinsons

Artificial sweeteners can also affect metabolism.

If the brain is waiting for sweet taste and, therefore, glucose, but you consume a low-calorie sweetener, this can spur cravings for sweets even more .

For this reason, long-term consumption of intense artificial sweeteners can cause metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes .

Accordingly, the Framingham Heart Study also states that the likelihood of developing metabolic syndrome is about 50 percent higher among consumers of diet beverages .

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Aspartame Vs Sugar Whats The Bad Option

Aspartame is the classic sweetener in diet soda. Unlike sugar, it provides virtually no carbohydrates or calories.

Therefore, aspartame cannot raise blood sugar levels as abruptly as sugar. But that doesnt necessarily mean that the artificial sweetener cant raise insulin levels.

With this in mind, one study concluded that aspartame could raise insulin levels more than regular table sugar.

Thirty minutes after consumption, the meal sweetened by aspartame caused an absolute peak insulin level that could not be reached by table sugar .

According to this study, among other potential side effects, this sweetener prevents fat burning.

Furthermore, this means that beverages sweetened with aspartame can break a fast due to their insulin response.

However, even more impressive is that a recent study found the average increase in insulin and blood glucose levels over three hours to be the same with aspartame as sugar consumption .

Thus, traditional diet sodas do not even provide the hoped-for benefit for blood glucose regulation in the long term.

Apart from the advantage of not containing fructose, aspartame is also as harmful as sugar in this comparison.

Part 2: Italian Studies Link Aspartame To Cancer In Rodents Should We Be Worried

Aspartame is linked to cancer in rodents, but most scientists dont consider it a human carcinogen.

In 2006, Morando Soffritti and colleagues at the Cesare Maltoni Cancer Research Center in Bologna, Italy, released a study comparing the long term effects of aspartame ingestion in rats.

They concluded that aspartame might cause cancer in rats in doses that were very near those to which humans can be exposed.

In 2010, Soffritti released a second rat study, claiming that the results confirm that is a carcinogenic agent in rodents.

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Does Aspartame Cause Cancer

Rumors and concerns about aspartame causing a number of health problems, including cancer, have been around for many years. Some of the concerns about cancer stem from the results of studies in rats published by a group of Italian researchers, which suggested aspartame might increase the risk of some blood-related cancers . However, later reviews of the data from these studies have called these results into question. The results of epidemiologic studies of possible links between aspartame and cancer have not been consistent.

In general, the American Cancer Society does not determine if something causes cancer , but we do look to other respected organizations for help with this. Based on current research, some of these organizations have made the following determinations:

  • The US Food and Drug Administration has concluded that the use of aspartame as a general purpose sweetener is safe.
  • The European Food Safety Authority has stated, Studies do not suggest an increased risk associated with aspartame consumption for leukaemia, brain tumours or a variety of cancers, including brain, lymphatic and haematopoietic cancers.

Though research into a possible link between aspartame and cancer continues, these agencies agree that studies done so far have not found such a link.

Aspartame: Does It Deserve Its Bad Reputation

Do Artificial Sweeteners Cause WEIGHT GAIN? | The Research

The aspartame controversy is difficult to make sense of in part because the audience has to separate the research and the chemical from the goons that profited from it.

Searle likely falsified evidence. Skinners departure surely impacted the investigation. Rumsfeld may have used his political clout to hire Haynes. And Haynes may have been motivated to approve aspartame because of a quid pro quo for his position.

Despite how that information reflects on aspartame, what it cant reveal is whether aspartame is actually safe. No amount of bad behavior is going to change the way aspartame interacts chemically.  

So, conspiracy theories and goons set aside, what does the research actually say?

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The Key To Restoring Brain Health

So what do we do? As I always say, an illness will never heal until the origin or . Once the offending source, or sources, of illness are eliminated, the body can begin to heal itself as God designed. Stop consuming aspartame immediately, and tell everyone you know and care about to do the same. Also, share this article and video with others who need to hear the truth. I hope and pray that Mr. Fox recognizes the reality of the true cause of his disease, and uses his fame to expose the truth of the deleterious effects of aspartame to the world.

Aspartame & Muscle Cramps

The next time you drink diet soda or eat low-fat yogurt, look closely at the labels; the sweetness you taste may be due to the artificial sweetener aspartame. This commonly used sweetener is touted as “diet” because it does not contain any calories. This chemical sweetener has been used commercially since the 1980s and is found in a range of food and drink products. Aspartame is also used as a powdered sweetener by diabetics and other individuals trying to cut down on calories and sugar. Though there has been extensive research on the safety of aspartame, there is much debate on possible side effects, including muscle cramps and pain.

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Studies That Found A Connection In Humans

A report released in 1996 suggested that the introduction of artificial sweeteners in the United States might be to blame for the increase in the number of people with brain tumors.

According to the National Cancer Institute , the increase in brain tumors actually began eight years before aspartame was approved and was found in people aged 70 and older, an age group not exposed to high doses of aspartame.

In 2012, a study of 125,000 people found a link between aspartame and an increased risk of lymphoma, leukemia, and multiple myeloma in men, but not in women. The study also found a link between sodas sweetened with sugar in men.

Due to the inconsistent effects on men and women, the researchers concluded that the links could be explained by chance. The scientists who conducted the study later issued an apology for the study, admitting that the data was weak.

Additional Possible Health Concerns


The American Diabetes Association states that there is no evidence that shows a connection between aspartame and an increased risk of cancers. Other concerns of aspartame include headache pain, seizures, mood changes and weight gain, but reports that research has shown that aspartame does not increase the risk of these health concerns. The FDA has outlined acceptable daily intakes for artificial sweeteners. Only consume aspartame within the acceptable amounts, and read food labels to check which of the foods you are eating contain this artificial sweetener, since it is added to a surprising number of foods and beverages, even chewing gum. The University of Maryland Medical Center advises that individuals with the metabolic disorder phenylketonuria, or PKU, should avoid aspartame. People with PKU cannot break down phenylalanine, which is one of the byproducts of aspartame in your body. Additionally, pregnant and breastfeeding women should avoid aspartame and other artificial food additives.

  • The American Diabetes Association states that there is no evidence that shows a connection between aspartame and an increased risk of cancers.
  • Other concerns of aspartame include headache pain, seizures, mood changes and weight gain, but reports that research has shown that aspartame does not increase the risk of these health concerns.

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Caution For Vulnerable Populations

A 2016 literature review on artificial sweeteners in the Indian Journal of Pharmacology reported, there is inconclusive evidence to support most of their uses and some recent studies even hint that these earlier established benefits might not be true. Susceptible populations such as pregnant and lactating women, children, diabetics, migraine, and epilepsy patients should use these products with utmost caution.41

Top 10 Ingredients To Avoid That Cause Dementia

07/17/2015 / By Greg White

Food affects our bodies and minds. Many people would be surprised to discover just how many food ingredients are linked to cognitive disorders, like dementia.

Dementia is considered by many people to be a disease that accompanies age. Contrary to popular belief, however, dementia isnt a specific malady, but a general term that encompasses a variety of cognitive impairments in memory, thinking and communication.

Its unsurprising that food alters our brains. What is surprising is that certain foods contain ingredients that can damage our brains. Consider the following as a list of ingredients that are best classified as brain poison.

1. Advanced glycation end products may cause plaque buildup in brain AGEs, also known as glycotoxins, are proteins that have become glycated through exposure to sugars. Cooking foods at high temperatures, including fries and meats, can produce AGEs. These harmful compounds have been linked to hypertension and diabetes; however, recent evidence suggests that AGEs are associated with dementia as well.

2. High amounts of aluminum are toxic to brain tissueThe human body was not designed to ingest aluminum. Nevertheless, aluminum is a food additive used in almost everything, including cheese, cake mixes and milk formulas. Its also linked to the beginning stages of Alzheimers disease. No one knows how much, if any, aluminum is safe to ingest. The toxic heavy metal is regarded as a dangerous neurotoxin.

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Side Effects Of Aspartame

The side effects of aspartame may appear suddenly or over time, and they may be of varying severity. Each side effect affects a person differently than it affects the next.

Some people may have it worse than others, with lethal and sometimes devastating results. Some of the side effects of aspartame use become worse over time, especially if use of aspartame is not discontinued.

Each individual experiencing symptoms of aspartame are affected differently due to factors such as consumption amount, health conditions, age and length of time of use of aspartame.

Each year, the FDA reports receiving more calls from people with concerns from artificial sweeteners and aspartame than from any other substance!

In fact, around 75% of their calls are from individuals who have concerns over this one particular product! Isnt this an alarming fact?

Foods Containing Nutrients That People May Be Deficient In

What causes Parkinson’s disease?

Some research suggests that people with Parkinsons often have certain nutrient deficiencies, including deficiencies in iron, vitamin B1, vitamin C, zinc, and vitamin D.

The above study points out that some of these deficiencies may be associated with neuroinflammation and neurodegeneration, which are key factors in Parkinsons.

Therefore, people with Parkinsons may wish to consume more of the following foods.

Foods containing iron

The following foods are good sources of iron:

  • liver
  • certain fortified foods

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Artificial Sweetener Promising For Parkinson’s

Pauline Anderson

Early evidence suggests that the artificial sweetener mannitol inhibits the aggregation of the protein -synuclein in the brain, a finding that could have implications for movement disorders, such as Parkinson’s disease .

Mannitol’s ability to interfere with protein clumping, together with its propensity to disrupt the blood-brain barrier , indicates that the administration of this sugar substitute in combination with other drugs could be a promising new approach for treating PD and other brain-related diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease, researchers conclude.

A new series of experiments on flies and mice show that mannitol is one of the most promising small sugars tested so far and have left researchers “very excited,” said Daniel Segal, PhD, head, Department of Molecular Microbiology and Biotechnology, Tel Aviv University, Israel, who carried out the experiments along with his colleagues.

Mannitol, a sugar alcohol produced by fungi, bacteria, and algae, is a common component of sugar-free gum and candy. It is also approved by the Food and Drug Administration in the United States as a diuretic and for use during surgery to open the BBB to ease passage of drugs.

Their findings were published in the June 14 issue of Journal of Biological Chemistry.

Structural Characteristics

Dr. Daniel Segal

The researchers also observed a 70% reduction in aggregates of -synuclein in the mannitol-fed mutated flies compared with those that had not.

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