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Mold And Parkinson’s Disease

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Have You Come Across Advice That Those With Parkinsons Should Avoid Too Much Refined Sugar Or Perhaps Youre Aware Of New Research Linking Diabetes And The Condition We Go Behind The Headlines To Find Out What Is Actually Going On

Mold Toxicity | The Science What You Havent Heard | Dr. J9 Live

Over the last decade, a war on sugar has started. In March 2016 the government announced that a tax on sugary soft drinks would be introduced in the UK from 2018. At the same time, weve seen a gradual increase in messaging that healthy eating, particularly limiting your intake of sugar, is essential for a healthy body.

The main aim of this war is to curb a growing obesity pandemic. And while its too early to draw any conclusions about these initiatives on the patterns of obesity in the UK, studies have suggested that simply reducing the sugar content of sweetened beverages by 40% over five years could result in roughly half a million fewer obese adults. As our collective national waistline shrinks, the hope is we will also see a reduction in a range of health conditions from heart problems to cancer, diabetes to osteoarthritis.

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Additional Subtle Signs Of Parkinson’s Affect Other Areas Of Your Face

While a loss of smell is likely to occur much earlier than other symptoms of Parkinson’s, it’s worth keeping an eye out for other common symptoms of the disease, like tremors, a fixed facial expression, small handwriting, and not blinking as often, according to Sheikh. She adds that a loss of taste can occur but is less common.

According to the Parkinson’s Foundation, other more obvious signs include trouble walking, constipation, low voice, dizziness, fainting, and hunching over. If you notice any of these symptoms, bring them up to your doctor.

Mold Health Impact : Parkinsons Disease

A Parkinsons disease diagnosis often results in a feeling of hopelessness. One of Dr. Sponaugles patients, Amy however, did not give in to depression. Amy credits the onset of her illness to her exposure to high levels of black mold during her time spent assisting with humanitarian efforts in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. In just one month, Amy started to experience profound neurological interferences in her ability to walk. Eventually, Parkinsonian rigidity and episodic paralysis left her bedridden. After being unable to improve with the help of traditional Parkinsons medication and integrative approaches, Amy came to Sponaugle Wellness Institute. Receiving treatment at Sponaugle Wellness allowed Amys health to improve in ways she was unable to accomplish elsewhere. Learn more about her progression and treatment at Sponaugle Wellness in her VIDEO: Learn More About Amys Parkinsons Symptoms as a Result of Exposure to Black Mold

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Mold Growth Might Cause Parkinsons

Just down the road at Rutgers University, a recent study has concluded that mold growth may cause similar symptoms as Parkinsons disease. The findings were recently published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences and how this team of researchers got to this conclusion regarding these shocking mold side effects is a fascinating story, and one that starts very close to home for the team leader, Joan Bennett.

Joan Bennett is Rutgers own resident fungus expert. Being a skeptic of sick building syndrome, which has been one of the main causes in the rise in mold inspections and mold remediation, she never fully supported the idea that the air inside of the places that we dwell can make us sick. Well, she was proved wrong.

Owning a home in New Orleans, she definitely experienced one of the leading causes of severe in-home mold growth when Hurricane Katrina cause her home to flood in 2005. She did what any biologist would do, and decided to take samples of the growth in her home so she could study them in her temporary home, New Jersey. While she was collecting these samples, she noticed that she felt ill, experiencing nausea, dizziness, and headaches despite the fact that she was wearing a face mask and protective gear. This experience led to the new research discovery.

Preventive Measures: How To Prevent Mold From Growing

Parkinsons Disease and Mold

You can do things to make sure that you and your loved ones are safe from the dangers of mold exposure. Here are some measures you can take:

  • Molds thrive in moisture. Fix any water leaks immediately.
  • Dont put carpets in damp areas in your home, such as the laundry room, bathroom, and basement.
  • When painting your walls, use mold inhibitors as an extra layer of protection. Dry the surface before applying paint.
  • Wipe down your tiles with mold-killing agents.
  • Dont leave wet clothing or towels in your laundry basket or inside your washing machine.
  • Make sure your property is well ventilated.
  • Change air filters and subject your HVAC system to annual cleaning and maintenance.

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Mold As A Possible Cause Of Parkinson Disease

Exposure to mold growth has been associated with a negative impact on human health. The most commonly mentioned mold related illnesses are allergic reactions, i.e., mold allergy. Individuals who are susceptible to mold react when they inhale spores and fungal fragments.

Mold allergy symptoms vary from person to person and range from mild to severe. The symptoms may include sneezing runny or stuffy nose cough itchy eyes, nose and throat and watery eyes.

As mold and bacteria grow they emit volatile organic compounds responsible for much of the distinctive moldy odor common in water damaged buildings. There are over 200 compounds identified as MVOCs in laboratory experiments.

None these compounds can be regarded as exclusively of microbial origin or as specific for certain microbial species. The health effect often associated with MVOC exposure is eye and upper-airway irritation. However, in human experimental exposure studies, symptoms of irritation have appeared at MVOC concentrations several orders of magnitude higher than those measured in indoor environments.

Whether 1-octen-3-ol occurs in water damaged buildings in concentrations high enough to cause Parkinson disease in humans is currently not known.

What Did The Research Involve

Initially the researchers tested different molecules that fungi release into the air to see how toxic they were. They did this by exposing Drosophila flies to five different molecules. The most toxic was called 1-octen-3-ol.

At high levels it caused damage to the dopamine system in the Drosophila flies brains.

They then took two groups of healthy flies and exposed one group to low dose 1-octen-3-ol, similar to that found in mouldy environments. The other group was the control group and were left in normal air conditions. They measured any changes in movement of the flies and how long it took for them to die.

They then exposed more flies to 1-octen-3-ol and dissected their brains after 24 hours to look for any effect on the dopamine system.

In order to produce some applicability to humans, they also measured the effect of exposure to different strengths of 1-octen-3-ol on the dopamine system in human embryonic kidney cells in the laboratory.

Furthermore, the researchers looked at different genetic types of neurotransporters in the flies brains to see if this changed the effects of the fungi chemical exposure on dopamine transport.

Neurotransporters are specialised proteins involved in the transportation of neurotransmitters through the brain and nervous system.

This was done because some people also have the same genetically different dopamine transporters as found in some flies.

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Who Was Exposed To Paraquat

Unlike other dangerous chemicals, such as glyphosate, paraquat is not licensed for residential use, and only licensed applicators can use it. This means that you likely havent inadvertently used paraquat around your home, and those exposed tend to be farm workers and anyone licensed to use the chemical.

Nonetheless, paraquat is one of the most commonly used herbicides according to the CDC and the EPA. This means that while the average home gardener is not likely to be exposed to paraquat, farm workers and licensed applicators do have a high likelihood of exposure.

Its also possible to have been exposed to paraquat if your spouse works on a farm or if your home is near a farm or orchard.

The biggest risk of exposure and paraquat poisoning is through swallowing the liquid. Its also possible to become poisoned through skin exposure. This might happen over a long period of minimal exposure or from a singular high exposure. Exposure through the skin is more dangerous when you have a cut, rash, or sore.

Its possible to be exposed through inhaling the chemical as well, which could happen while it is being applied. The chemical has been found in marijuana in the past as well.

Even as studies and anecdotal cases point to the dangers of paraquat, the chemical is still widely used in the United States with people largely being unaware of the dangers.

Is There A Test That Can Be Carried Out To Confirm I Have Parkinsons

Mold and Dementia

Due to the complexity of the condition, there is no simple or accessible diagnostic test for Parkinsons, such as an X-ray or blood test. A clinical diagnosis is always required, which relies on an experts clinical assessment.

Parkinsons is difficult to diagnose because there is no specific test for the condition. Symptoms vary from person to person and a number of other illnesses have similar symptoms, which means misdiagnoses can occur, especially in the early stages when signs and symptoms are subtle. Therefore, the use of established diagnostic tools that detect the loss of dopamine in the brain may be useful and can help to reduce misdiagnosis. DaTSCAN is one such tool that has been shown to differentiate between Essential Tremor and Parkinsons in the majority of cases. It can identify a loss of dopamine a chemical known to be depleted in the brain of someone with Parkinsons from those who have no loss.

Magnetic resonance imaging scans are rarely used for diagnosing Parkinsons since an MRI of a parkinsonian brain generally looks normal. But MRI can help to differentiate between Parkinsons and other types of parkinsonism, for example Multiple System Atrophy and Progressive Supranuclear Palsy.

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Mold Health Impact : Paranoia And Anxiety

Paranoia can often be caused by high levels of toxic molds, such as the trichothecene black mold toxin or the Ocratoxin-producing Aspergillus Mold. Paranoia and anxiety can occur when a mold toxic brain produces excessive levels of glutamate and PEA, two powerful electrifying brain chemicals. These two chemicals in the brain cause an over-electrified nervous system. Since many doctors are unaware of the effects mold toxicity has on a patients body, doctors will address the symptoms produced by mold toxicity by prescribing drugs like Klonopin or Xanax to calm their over-electrified, anxious brain. Unfortunately, this simply masks a larger issue that can only be solved by detoxifying the body of these mold toxins.

Major Side Effects Of Paraquat Exposure

Side effects from paraquat exposure are vast and very severe. Immediately after exposure, you might experience:

  • Throat and mouth pain and swelling

As symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea progress, you might begin to experience dehydration and low blood pressure.

Within hours to days of exposure to paraquat, you might experience:

Slower to progress side effects include:

  • Scarring in the esophagus

Death is the most serious side effect, and it can happen quickly after ingesting even a small amount of paraquat. As little as one teaspoon of the chemical is enough to kill a human.

In addition to these side effects, there have also been many links between paraquat and Parkinsons Disease.

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Symptoms Of Toxic Black Mold

Toxic Black Mold is no carnival. Even the scientific classification Stachybotrys chartarum strikes fear in the heart of your toughest ironman, and in a few instances, Superman himself.

Finding traces of black mold in your home is probably one of the most difficult problems to address. Dealing with black mold is an obstacle in its own right, requiring thorough remediation.

But the bigger question is, what are the symptoms of black mold?

Black mold is toxic and affects just about every area of your life. Serious symptoms and health problems as a result of black mold include mental impairment, breathing problems, damage to internal organs, and sometimes even death.

The main groups of symptoms toxic black mold causes are:

Mental and Neurological Symptoms

The trichothecene mycotoxins produced by toxic black mold are neurotoxic. This means they can kill neurons in the brain and impair a persons mental ability. They also cause nervous disorders such as tremors and can cause personality changes such as mood swings and irritability.

Symptoms include:

  • Blurry vision and vision worsening

Skin Symptoms

Symptoms include:

Immune System Symptoms

Toxic black mold puts out chemicals which suppress the immune system. In fact, many immunosuppressive drugs are actually created from toxic molds.

Symptoms include:

  • Immunosuppression
  • Reoccurring infections and sicknesses

Reproductive System Symptoms

Symptoms include:

Biotoxins Besides Mold Include Blue Green Algae In Parkinsons Disease

Can Mold Cause Parkinsons Disease?
  • Functional Medicine
  • Biotoxins Besides Mold Include Blue
  • Our world is a dangerous place, not only thanks to industrial pollution, but also thanks to the contributions of nature as it fills our world with a variety of chemicals. While our clinic works with a multitude of individuals affected by mold toxins, we also appreciate those dealing with other biotoxins including those from algae sources. A recent study by Vallerga et al offers support to our practices as it linked a specific gene in humans with not only a risk of Parkinsons disease but also a neurotoxin produced by blue-green algae. As if that were not enough to excite a functional medicine doctor, the associated gene helps regulate glutathione levels, one of our bodys master antioxidants.

    Parkinsons disease affects 1% of the population over 60 years old and over 3% in those 80 years old as neurodegeneration of dopamine producing neurons in a particular brain area called the substantia nigra. As the disease progress, disability worsens leading to lower quality of life and increased economic challenges for individuals and families. No truly successful treatment currently exists and the diseases development is poorly understood.

    Primary Article:

    Thanks to Science Daily:

    University of Queensland. Parkinsons disease linked to gene targeted by blue-green algae toxin. ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 16 March 2020. < www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/03/200316104018.htm> .

    Secondary references:

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    What Is Paraquat And Why Is It Dangerous

    Also called paraquat dichloride, paraquat is an herbicide used to kill weeds and grass. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention calls paraquat a widely used toxic chemical. The chemical is sometimes referred to as its brand name, Gramoxone. Available in liquid form, paraquat is classified as restricted use by the Environmental Protection Agency . This means that only people who are licensed to apply it can use the chemical.

    As a chemical thats designed to kill plants, it is also dangerous to humans if its ingested, inhaled, or if it comes into contact with your skin. Paraquat causes toxic chemical reactions throughout the body, particularly in the lungs, liver, and kidneys. Once paraquat is in your body, there is no antidote, and even small amounts are lethal.

    Paraquat is so dangerous that it has various safeguards to keep it from being ingested. Its dyed blue, it has a strong smell, and an added ingredient causes vomiting. Its also banned in over 30 countries, including the European Union and China.

    Although the EPA reviewed literature that examined connections between paraquat and Parkinsons Disease, lung function, respiratory effects, and cancer, they claim they have not found enough evidence to discontinue use of the chemical.

    The Researchers Discovered That Mushroom Alcohol Causes Two Genes Involved In The Packaging And Transport Of Dopamine To Malfunction Causing The Neurons To Degenerate

    Not surprisingly, the fruit fruit flies movement was impacted.

    The researchers proved that MVOCs impact dopamine which is one of the key causes of PD.

    This is an important discovery because it creates further questions about the current hypothesis that the main cause of PD is pesticides and genetics. As stated by Inamdar:

    Our work suggests that 1-octen-3-ol might also be connected to the disease, particularly for people with a genetic susceptibility to it. Weve given the epidemiologists some new avenues to explore.

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    Rutgers Researcher Joan Bennetts Work Follows Her Own Illness Suffered While Cleaning Up Flood Damage From Hurricane Katrina

    Scientists at Rutgers and Emory universities have discovered that a compound often emitted by mold may be linked to symptoms of Parkinsons disease.

    Arati Inamdar and Joan Bennett, researchers in the School of Environmental and Biological Sciences at Rutgers, used fruit flies to establish the connection between the compound popularly known as mushroom alcohol and the malfunction of two genes involved in the packaging and transport of dopamine, the chemical released by nerve cells to send messages to other nerve cells in the brain.

    The findings were published online today in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

    Parkinsons has been linked to exposure to environmental toxins, but the toxins were man-made chemicals, Inamdar said. In this paper, we show that biologic compounds have the potential to damage dopamine and cause Parkinsons symptoms.

    For co-author Bennett, the research was more than academic. Bennett was working at Tulane University in New Orleans when Hurricane Katrina struck the Gulf Coast in 2005. Her flooded house became infested with molds, which she collected in samples, wearing a mask, gloves and protective gear.

    Inamdar, who uses fruit flies in her research, and Bennett began their study shortly after Bennett arrived at Rutgers. Bennett wanted to understand the connection between molds and symptoms like those she had experienced following Katrina.

    The study was funded by Rutgers and the National Institutes of Health.

    Very Very High Rates Of Mold Exposure In The Me/cfs Community

    Mold Toxicity and Neurological Autoimmunity?

    It turned out that the healthy controls were selected in part because theyd reported no prior exposures to water damaged buildings. That enabled the researchers to highlight the effect that type of exposure may have but made it impossible to be able to state that ME/CFS patients are more likely to be exposed to water-damaged/moldy buildings than healthy controls.

    Several factors suggest the 93% rate of positive mycotoxin tests in ME/CFS may not be reflective of the general population.

    • The authors defined water-damaged buildings broadly enough that many people must have been exposed to one. . They did note, though, that many of the ME/CFS patients had lived or worked in a building with visible mold an indication of a mold problem that went beyond a plugged up drain or a window leak).
    • This study also emanated from a infectious disease specialist apparently with a focus in mold issues which means he may be gathering a distinct subset of mold exposed patients and this makes sense given the report that many of the study participants had lived/worked in buildings with visible mold.
    • The most common type of water-based damage to residential dwellings occurs in basements and most of the participants came from the Midwest where basements/cellars are probably more common than in the western and southern states. People from these locations may be more likely to be exposed to high levels of mold.

    To sum up.

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