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When Should Parkinson’s Patients Stop Driving

Parkinsons Disease Symptoms And Their Effects While Driving On Roads

Parkinsonâs Disease, Are you Safe to Drive?

Symptoms related to Parkinsons disease always vary among patients. These may range from mild symptoms to severe ones. However, in mild cases, patients have a few common symptoms, which include shaking in their hands, arms and legs, impairment of physical balance and slow mental as well as physical responses, all of which affect driving abilities and skills adversely.

For instance, episodes of trembling or tremor starts in one foot or hand and it may affect ability of people to get control of the vehicle. Rigidity may cause jerky motions while handling the steer of cars. Furthermore, slow movement may interfere with brakes while driving vehicles in heavy traffic or ability to react quickly while moving on in hazard roads. Postural instability often lead to stooped type of body posture, in which individuals bow their heads and droop their shoulders, which further result in reduction of the drivers awareness about their surroundings.

In case of patients with early Parkinsons disease, medicines may help in reducing symptoms, but they often have side effects, like drowsiness, which further affect ones ability to drive on road. In fact, devising a medication plan for doctors to reduce primary symptoms present in Parkinsons disease is difficult and almost impossible for doctors.

My Parkinson’s Story: Driving

This 9-minute video alternates between an interview with a man and his wife and several specialists. The man and his wife share how he gave up his driver’s license due to Parkinson’s symptoms and how he is adjusting. The specialists share how Parkinson’s symptoms affect a person’s ability to drive, and how driving and cognitive assessments can determine a person’s fitness to drive.

Judie Found That Her Disabled Person’s Railcard Did Not Just Cut The Cost Of Travel But Helped

Well you can buy a railcard, disabled persons railcard and you get, I think its half price each. My friend takes me down to London. Weve been to the Parkinsons Carol Service two, two Christmases now and various other events that theyve had on in London. And its wonderful to go by train. If you go in your wheelchair and make the rail company aware that youre going and what times youre going they are absolutely brilliant. The first time I tried it was two years ago when we went to the Carol Service. And we got on at Northampton and we were going to Euston and the guard was there to meet us. They knew which carriage we were going in and we were, planned to be back for about twenty past ten at night and, no half past ten. And we got to the station at twenty past ten and this gentleman jumped out from behind a post and he said, You must be my two ladies for Northampton. Ill take you up. And he took us up, made us a cup of coffee, and he said, Ill come and fetch you when the train comes into the platform and put you in the carriage. And, British Rail are criticised but they are good if you, if you tell them. If you dont tell them you cant expect the help. But they were very good.

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Parkinsons Disease And Driving

Driving is an essential part of many of our activities of daily living. It is how most of us get to work, school and various appointments its how we travel to and from household and social activities. For many, receiving their drivers license marked a rite of passage to becoming an adult. Driving gives us independence and freedom.

Driving is a complex task that requires you to be aware at all times and be able to respond quickly to the constantly changing circumstances. Anything that impacts or affects your ability to drive must be taken into serious consideration. This includes Parkinsons disease, which has physical, mental and emotional symptoms.

Research shows that even healthy people outlive their ability to drive by several years and most often this is due to changes in vision as we age. Most drivers however, do not plan to retire from driving as they age. Many people realize when their driving skills are diminishing, often resulting in decreased confidence on the road. In some cases, the fear of isolation or loss of independence overrides their judgment concerning their driving abilities, resulting in denial of having any problems. This is especially true for those with Parkinsons. People with Parkinsons may be additionally fearful that the need to stop driving indicates a progression in their disease.

For more information and to view checklists, visit

Legal Obligations Insurance And Tax

Driving and Parkinson

Your legal obligations will depend on the laws of the country in which you live. In many countries, your doctor will be obliged to carry out a regular ‘fit to drive’ check.

The most common heath-related driving laws in European countries are outlined below but you should always check on current legislation with your doctor or a suitably qualified member of your healthcare team.

  • Notify your national driver and vehicle licensing body that you have Parkinsons: they will advise you of the steps you need to take to retain your driving licence. This may involve contacting your doctor to confirm your fitness to drive, a medical examination or a driving test. Some countries may issue a licence for a fixed term, usually renewable provided your ability hasnt deteriorated sufficiently to make you unfit to drive.
  • Inform your insurance company: you should tell the company of any health change that may affect your driving. In most countries it is an offence to make a false statement or withhold information for the purposes of obtaining a certificate of motor insurance. Anyone who drives when considered unfit will invalidate their insurance cover.
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    What Is A Comprehensive Driving Evaluation

    A comprehensive driving evaluation is typically conducted by an occupational therapist and involves a variety of assessments both in a clinic and on the road that investigate the various skills needed for driving. A comprehensive driving evaluation can be ordered by your neurologist if you would like to continue driving, or if you, your family or your physician has concerns about whether your driving is safe.

    How Can I Talk To A Loved One About The Progression Of Their Driving

    The ability to drive is an important component of self-esteem and independence for many.

    Your loved one may therefore get very emotional once approached about the progression of their driving. You can first acknowledge their good behaviours and then share your concerns without making them feel guilty.

    You and your loved one can determine a transitioning schedule together based on the appearance of warning signs indicating that they should stop driving.

    If your loved one shows resistance, talk about potential risks for them and others if they continue driving unsafely. Finally, talk about it with their care team to get help.

    With time, you may no longer be able to drive. You can use alternative means of transportation such as:

    • Taxi

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    If A Person Does Have To Stop Driving Because Of Their Pd What Strategies Can Help Them Maintain Their Independence

    The COVID-19 crisis is teaching all of us about using alternative strategies that do not require driving to maintain independence for example, online ordering of groceries and medications, telehealth visits with our physicians, and new ways of connecting to our family and friends using technology. We undoubtedly will continue to use these resources even after the COVID-19 crisis ends and all these new strategies can help increase the independence of those who do not drive.

    Systematic Review Of Assessment Tools For Determining Fitness To Drive In Parkinsons Disease Patients

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    The aim of this study was to perform a systematic review of the four main driving assessment methods and provide the evidence on individual methods for assessing driving ability in PD patients. To address the question of how much evidence we have regarding driving competency in PD, we performed a systematic review by searching MEDLINE, life science journals, Google scholar, and online books using the following key words: driving OR driving safety OR driving ability OR road test OR driving questionnaires OR sleepiness scale OR driving simulator OR naturalistic driving OR car sensor OR reaction time OR driver OR transportation OR automobile OR car OR vehicle OR collision injury OR car accident. Selected articles were required to have the term Parkinsons disease AND any one of the above key words within the title and/or abstract.

    Table 3 Summary of studies involving driving assessment tools in patients with Parkinsons disease

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    Can I Still Drive With Pd

    Most likely yes, in the early stages and if you take medicines that control your symptoms. Staying fit and active helps keep the muscle strength you need to drive. Here are some other options to help you maintain optimal driving safety:

    • Eliminate driving distractions. Listening to the radio, talking on a cell phone, eating or drinking while driving all affect concentration and reduce safety.
    • Avoid nighttime driving if you have vision changes in reduced light settings.
    • Do not drive when you feel fatigued or your medication wearing off.
    • Choose familiar, comfortable routes and non-peak driving hours. Consider a GPS system for directions.
    • Maintain good posture. Reduce back strain with a lumbar support cushion.
    • Do regular neck and trunk stretching exercises to increase mobility when backing up or watching for traffic and other obstacles.
    • Consider taking a defensive driving course. AAA, AARP and other agencies offer these classes. It may also lower auto insurance premiums.

    How To Ease The Transition

    Frank discussions with family members and doctors are often enough to convince people with Parkinsonâs disease to modify their driving. Some people may need additional input from a support group, lawyer, or financial planner to ease the transition.

    Some people with Parkinson’s disease can continue driving under strict guidelines, although the long-term goal will still be to eventually stop driving. Guidelines for limited driving may include:

    • Drive only on familiar roads
    • Limit drives to short trips
    • Avoid rush-hour traffic and heavily traveled roads
    • Restrict drives to daylight hours during good weather

    Itâs important for family and friends to find ways to help their loved one reduce their need to drive. These include arranging for groceries, meals, and prescriptions to be delivered to the home, or for barbers or hairdressers to come to the home.

    Itâs also important to help your loved one become accustomed to using alternate methods of transportation, such as:

    • Rides from family and friends
    • Taxi cabs
    • Public buses, trains, and subways
    • Walking

    Your local Area Agency on Aging can help you find transportation services for a loved one. Eldercare Locator, a service of the U.S. Administration on Aging, can also assist. Its phone number is 800-677-1116,

    If your loved one refuses to voluntarily limit or stop driving, despite a demonstrated need to do so, you may need to take more aggressive steps, such as:

    • Hiding the car keys

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    What Parkinsons Has Taught Me

    COMMUNICATION IS ESSENTIAL: In spite of the issues that often make living with Parkinsons a nightmare for Dennis and for me, he and I daily talk about his feelings and mine. Because of this, we constantly make a point of communicating straight up. We dont hide our feelings and opinions from each other. I dont tell other people about what its like living with the disease that I dont tell him directly. He doesnt try to cover up his disappointment in what he can and cant do. Because we communicate, we are able to laugh a lot about things such as breaking glasses or slopping food or typing on a computer. Laughter helps us both deal with frustration and anger and fear.

    FLEXIBILITY IS A GIVEN: There is nothing that a person has planned that cant be postponed or changed. Nothing.

    PATIENCE IS MANDATORY: Its a lot easier for a healthy person to do things for a person with physical challenges than to wait while they do it for themselves. I am healthy. I could play the role of superwoman. I dont. I encourage Dennis do as much as he can for himself. If it takes him three hours to sweep the walk, so be it. If he needs salt, he gets up and gets it. Dennis has always taken pride in contributing to the well-being of our household. He deserves to participate. It is my belief that if I take over all the responsibilities for running our lives, I will eventually make him weaker and more dependent. This is not a good situation for either of us.

    Tips For People With Parkinsons Disease

    When Should Patients With Dementia Stop Driving?

    If you have early-stage Parkinsonâs disease and hope to continue driving as long as possible, itâs essential to keep up regular exercise that maintains the muscle strength you need to operate a vehicle. Itâs also essential to meet with your doctor and ask them about:

    • Medications and other treatment, such as deep brain stimulation, that may treat your symptoms.
    • Medication side effects that can interfere with driving safety.
    • Referral to a center or specialist who can give you an off-road driving test.

    To find a local specialist, contact the Association for Driver Rehabilitation Specialists at 866-672-9466 or visit its website. Your local hospital or rehabilitation center may help you find an occupational therapist who can assess your driving skills. In addition, your stateâs department of motor vehicles may offer driver evaluations.

    If you have early-stage Parkinsonâs disease and early-stage or mild dementia — and wish to continue driving — you should seek an immediate evaluation of your driving skills. People with moderate-to-severe dementia should not drive. Some states automatically revoke the licenses of everyone diagnosed with moderate-to-severe dementia.

    If you pass a driving evaluation, it doesnât mean that you can continue driving indefinitely. Because symptoms of Parkinsonâs disease and dementia usually worsen over time, itâs important to be re-evaluated every six months and stop driving if you do not pass the test.

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    Assessing Your Ability To Drive

    The medical report provides an assessment of your fitness to drive. To complete the report, your doctor will refer to a set of medical standards that describe the specific requirements for various conditions, including Parkinsons. These standards can be viewed on line at VicRoads assesses each medical report on a case-by-case basis and then determines if a driving test is necessary.

    If a driving test is needed it normally begins at your home address, with a VicRoads assessor. You will be asked to drive to places where you would normally go, and are tested on your ability to drive safely on your local roads. You are allowed up to three attempts at this driving test.

    If you fail the driving test three times, you may be required to have your driving abilities formally assessed by an occupational therapist experienced in driving assessments.

    More information is available from VicRoads. You can phone VicRoads on 13 11 71 or visit their website

    Should 70 Year Olds Drive

    Whether you are 70 years old or 90 years old the age simply doesnt matter. Its your physical and cognitive status that determine whether or not you should be driving.

    It may surprise you to learn that none of the states in the United States require a senior citizen to give up their car keys at a certain age. Retesting to ensure the elder is a safe driver also differs among the states. Further, each state has its own requirements for allowing senior citizens to continue driving.

    Check out this table of information detailing the elderly driving laws by state in the USA for the scoop on what your state laws are for elderly drivers.

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    Impaired Vision In Early Stages

    Research has found that the ability to drive safely may be impaired even in the early stages of Parkinson’s, as visual symptoms like decreased contrast sensitivity become noticeable. Contrast sensitivity is the ability to distinguish between objects and their backgrounds. This is especially challenging in situations of low light, such as fog, glare, or at night.1,2

    Learn The Protocol For Your State

    What is Parkinson’s Disease?

    Colorado is not a medically mandated state. Its a self-reporting state, which means its up to you to assess whether or not you are fit to drive. With that said, Dittmar says that approximately 75% of the driving assessments she does are direct referrals from doctors.

    Once Dittmar has completed a driving assessment, she sends the report to the drivers doctor and it gets linked back to the drivers DMV profile. The recommendations then become connected to a license.

    These recommendations must be measurable. For example, some of the restrictions that could be placed on a driver include:

    • Can only drive in daylight
    • Can only drive within a certain radius of their home
    • Can only drive below certain speeds

    In some states, the report gets sent to the medical board. Contact the DMV in your state to learn more about how its done where you live.

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    Nicolas Finds Even Long Trips Relaxing When He Is On Holiday Travel For Work Is More Of A Problem

    What about stiffness after a long haul flight?

    One of the best things I did, because of the resort we were staying at, was get a massage. So that was good. I did have a bit of an adverse reaction to it because I was quite stiff, but I got over that quite quickly. Swimming was useful. Its interesting I dont have any difficulties with gross movements like swimming. Its the fine motor control and the small movements that I struggle with. So I appreciated that, so that was another form of exercise while I was out there.

    Business travel, I feel is a bit more pressurised. In that its much more intensive for me. Our head office is in Toulouse. So its a flight there and back in a day and its a long day. And thats quite intensive and that I struggle with, and youve got to do a days work while your there and all that sort of thing. So that can be a bit awkward.


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